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Libros Digitales Temática LGTBI - Parte 6

Abrimos un nuevo espacio en la Biblioteca LGTBI "Oscar Hermes Villordo" destinado a libros en formato digital de temática gay, lésbica, bisexual, transexual, travesti, intersexual, queer. 
Quinto listado disponible. 
Para adquirir alguno de estos ejemplares contactar a ayconstanza@gmail.com

• Barraclough, Ruth & Bowen-Struyk, Heather & (edited by) - Red love across the Pacific - political and sexual revolutions of the 20th century
• Booker, M. Keith (edited by) - Comic books and graphic novels, Encyclopedia of - vol. 1
• Boon, Marcus & Cazdyn, Eric & Morton, Timothy - Nothing - three inquiries in Buddhism
• Bornstein, Kate - My gender workbook - how to become a real man, a real woman, the real you, or something else entirely
• Bornstein, Kate - My new gender workbook - a step-by-step guide to achieving world peace through gender anarchy and sex positivity
• Bruce, Michael & Stewart, Robert M. (edited by) - College sex - philosophy for everyone

• Cardullo, Bert (edited by) - After neorealism - Italian filmmakers and their films - essays and interviews
• Carter, Cynthia & Steiner, Linda & (edited by) - Media and gender, The Routledge companion to
• Cherry, Brigid - Horror, Routledge film guidebooks
• Çinar, Özgür Heval & Üsterci, Coșkun - Conscientious objection - resizing military society
• Clare, Eli - Exile and pride - disability, queerness, and liberation
• Clover, Carol J. - Men, women, and chain saws - gender in the modern horror film

• Dams, Carsten & Stolle, Michael - Gestapo, The - power and terror in the third reich
• Dawkins, Richard - God delusion, The
• Day, Randal D. - Introduction to family processes
• Dhawan, Nikita & Engel, Antke & - Global justice and desire - queering economy
• Dickinson, Tommy - ‘Curing queers’ - mental nurses and their patioents, 1935-74
• Dunning, Benjamin H. - Specters of Paul - Sexual difference in early christian thought

• Fahs, Breanne & Dudy, Mary L. & Stage, Sarah (edited by) - Moral panics of sexuality, The
• Farnsworth, Rodney - Infernal return, The - the recurrence of the primordial in films of the reaction years, 1977-1983
• Farrell, Betty G. - Family - the making of an idea, an institution, and a controversy in American culture
• Fast, Jonathan - Beyond bulling - breaking the cycle of shame, bullying, and violence
• Fiorini, Leticia Glocer - Deconstructing the feminine - psychoanalysis, gender and theories of complexity
• Furman, Rich - Social work practice with men at risk

• Gerstmann, Evan - Same-sex marriage and the constitution
• Ghaziani, Amin - There goes the gayborhood?
• Gilbert, Jen - Sexuality in school - the limits of education
• Grange, William - Historical dictionary of German theater
• Grebowicz, Margret & Merrick, Helen - Beyond the cyborg - adventures with Donna Haraway
• Gregg, Melissa & Seigworth, Gregory J. (edited by) - Affect theory reader, The

• Hackett, Pat (edited by) - Andy Warhol diaries, The
• Halberstam, Judith - Queer art of failure
• Halberstam, Judith - Skin shows - gothic horror and the technology of monsters
• Hallensleben, Markus (edited by) - Performative body spaces - corporel topographies in literature, theatre, dance, and the visual arts
• Harper, Kyle - from SHAME to SIN - the christian transformation of sexual morality in late antiquity
• Hartman, Andrew - War for the soul of America, A - a history of culture wars

• Kazin, Michael - American dreamers - how left changed a nation
• Kengor, Paul - Takedown - from communists to pregressives, how the left has sabotaged family and marriage
• Kennedy, D. James & Newcombe, Jerry - What’s wrong with same-sex marriage?
• Kilgore, James - Understanding mass incarceration - a people’s guide to the key civil rights struggle of out time
• Kirshner, Jonathan - Hollywood’s last golden age - politics, society, and the seventies film in America
• Koppelman, Andrew - Same sex, different states - when same-sex marriages cross state lines

• Lanzillotto, Annie Rachele - L is for lion - an Italian Bronx butch freedom memoir
• Lemma, Alessandra & Lynch, Paul E. - sexualities - contemporary psychoanalytic perspectives
• Leong, Russell (edited by) - Asian American sexualities - dimensions of the gay & lesbian experiences
• Leupp, Gary P. - Male colors - the construction of homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan
• Levesque, Roger J.R. (edited by) - Adolescence, Encyclopedia of
• Levi, Antonia & McHarry, Mark & Pagliassotti, Dru - Boys’ love manga - essays on the sexual ambiguity and cross-cultural fandom of the genre

• Maclean, Rory - Berlin - portrait of a city through the centuries
• Mann, Mary (associate editor) - Women in clothes
• Mann, William J. - Hello, gorgeous - becoming Barbara Streisand
• Martin, Brian Joseph - Napoleonic friendship - military fraternity, intimacy & sexuality in nineteenth-century France
• Martin, Terry L. & Doka, Kenneth J. - Men don’t cry ... women do - transcending gender stereotypes of grief
• Martino, Wayne & Kehler, Michael & Weaver-Hightower, Marcus (edited by) - Problem with boys’ education, The - beyond the backlash

• Nagoshi, Julie L. & Nagoshi, Craig T. & Brzuzy, Stephan - Gender and sexual identity - transcending feminist and queer theory
• Nelmes, Jill (edited by) - Introduction to film studies
• Niose, David - Nonbeliever nation - the rise of secular Americans

• Oikkonen, Venla - Gender, sexuality and reproduction in evolutionary narratives

• Pace, Alison - If Andy Warhol had a girlfriend
• Paret, Peter (edited by) - Frederick the Great - a profile
• Pausé, Cat & Wykes, Jackie & Murray, Samantha (edited by) - Queering fat embodiment
• Perreau, Bruno - Politics of adoption, The - gender and the making of French citizenship
• Peyton, Holland Cedric - Till death do us part - a look inside long-term gay relationships
• Pipolo, Tony - Robert Bresson - a passion for film

• Rahman, Momin - Homosexualities, muslim cultures and modernity
• Reader, Keith - Règle du jeu, La - French film guide
• Reeser, Todd W. - Setting Plato straight - translating ancient sexuality in the Renaissance
• Rimmerman, Craig A. & Wilcox, Clyde (edited by) Politics of same-sex marriage, The
• Robertson, Jennifer (edited by) - Same-sex cultures and sexualities - an anthropological reader
• Ruti, Mari - Between levinas and Lacan - self, other, ethics

• Safdar, Saba & Kosakowska-Berezecka, natasza (edited by) - Psychology of gender through the lens of culture - theories and applications
• Sandfort, Theo & Schuyf, Judith & Duyvendak, Jan Willem & Weeks, Jeffrey (edited by) - Lesbian and gay studies - an introductory, interdisciplinary approach
• Sardar, Ziauddin - Reading the Qur’an - the contemporary relevance of the sacred text of islam
• Scanlon, Thomas F. - Eros & Greek athletics
• Schor, Mira - Wet, wet - on painting, feminism, and art culture
• Schultz, William Todd - Tiny terror - why Truman Capote (almost) wrote answered prayers

• Talbott, Damon & Janzen, Marike & Forth, Christopher E. (edited by) - Bodies and culture - discourses, communities, representations, performances
• Tambling, Jeremy - Wong Kar-Wai’s ‘Happy together’
• Taormino, Tristan & Shimizu, Celine & (edited by) - Feminist porn book, The - the politics of producing pleasure
• Taylor, Gary - Castration of Western manhood, an abreviated history
• Taylor, Jodie - Playing it queer - popular music, identity and queer world-making
• Thomas, Kate - Postal pleasures - sex, scandal, and Victorian letters

• Vermorel, Fred - Vivienne Westwood
• Vidal, Gore - Inventing a nation
• Volkov, Solomon - Magical chorus, The - a history of Russian culture from Tolstoy to Solzhenitsyn

• Waites, Matthew - Age of consent, The - young people, sexuality and citizenship
• Walker, Clinton - Highway to hell - the life and death of AC/DC legend Bon Scott
• Walker, Elsie - Understanding sound traks through film theory
• Walker, Samuel - Presidents and civil liberties from Wilson to Obama - a story of poor custodians
• Walter, Chris - SNFU ... what no one else wanted to say - a biography
• Ward, Jane - Not gay - sex between straight white men
• Watkins, Craig S. - Hip Hop matters - politics, pop culture, and the struggle for the soul of a movement
• Watson, Jay (edited by) - Faulkner and whiteness
• Weeks, Jeffrey - Sexuality
• Wenz, Peter S. - Beyond red and blue - how twelve political philosophers shape American debates
• West, Isaac - Transforming citizenship - transgender articulation of the law
• White, Rob - Todd Haynes - contemporary film directors
• Wieland, Christina - Fascist state of mind and the manufacturing of masculinity, The - a psychoanalytic approach
• Williams, Kipling & Forgas, Joseph & Hippel William von (edited by) - Social outcast, The - ostracism, social exclusion, rejection, and bullying

• Wolcott, James - Lucking out - my life getting down and semi-dirty in seventies New York

*Esta y todas las entradas se actualizaran a medida que encontremos nuevo material.
*Para consultar ejemplares escribinos a bibliotecalgttb@gmail.com 
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