Integrated Identity for Gay Men and Lesbians: Psychotherapeutic Approaches for Emotional Well-Being (Inglés) edited by Eli Coleman, PhD
Immensely helpful for professionals, this book provides valuable insights into psychotherapy with gay people. Highly competent clinicians and researchers discuss typical psychological problems of gay men and lesbians and the most effective contemporary psychotherapeutic treatment methods. Each of the treatment methods--examined from a theoretical viewpoint--is designed to maximize potential, improve psychological and interpersonal functioning, and develop a positive self and sexual identity. Topics addressed include assessment of sexual orientation, internalized homophobia, coping with the threat of AIDS, counseling for family members, and sexual control.
Contents Foreword
Assessment of Sexual Orientation
Developmental Issues and Their Resolution for Gay and Lesbian Adolescents
Therapeutic Issues and Intervention Strategies With Young Adult Lesbian Clients: A Developmental Approach
Internalized Homophobia and Lesbian Identity
Ericksonian Hypnosis and Strategic Interventions for Sexual Orientation Confusion
Therapy for Male Couples Experiencing Relationship Problems and/or Sexual Problems
Stage Discrepancy in Male Couples
Treatment of Identity and Intimacy Issues in Gay Males
Dependency Issues in Lesbian Relationships
Sex Therapy With Lesbian Couples: A Four Stage Approach
Causes and Treatment of Sexual Desire Discrepancies in Male Couples
A Sociological Approach to Counseling Homosexual Clients and Their Families
Group Psychotherapy for Bisexual Men and Their Wives
Clinical Implications of Lesbian Mother Studies
Helping Gay Fathers Come Out to Their Children
Psychotherapy With Gay/Lesbian Couples and Their Children in “Stepfamilies”: A Challenge for Marriage and Family Therapists
Resources for Families With a Gay/Lesbian Member(s)
Alcoholics Anonymous and Gay American Men
AIDS, Sexuality, and Sexual Control
The Worried Well: Maximizing Coping in the Face of AIDS
The Individual and Social Psychology of Aging: Clinical Implications for Lesbians and Gay Men