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Algunos importados, curiosos, raros: QUEER BOOKS en la tienda de la Biblioteca LGTBQ+ Argentina


 Ay, Constanza!!!  la librería de la Biblioteca LGTBIQ+ Argentina / #ArchivoPIETRO te trae algunos libros curiosos y casi inconseguibles. #CompraArchivo

Consultas de archivo: bibliotecalgttb@gmail.com

Consultas por compras: ayconstanza@gmail.com


Sexual Orientation and Mental Health: Examining Idenity and Development in Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual People

Edited Allen M. Moto and Howard S. Kurtzman

American Pyschological Association - 2002

In Sexual Orientation and Mental Health, expert contributors explore the impressive body of rigorous empirical research on mental health in lesbian, gay, and bisexual people that has emerged over the past decade. This volume presents some of the most important work in this field from both established and emerging investigators. The contributors examine the prevalence and potential determinants of depression, anxiety, and substance abuse in adolescents and adults, giving consideration to the roles of prejudice and harassment as well as of positive family and social supports. The chapters address a wide range of topics, including sexual behavior and identity, the influence of religion on mental health, work satisfaction, the well-being of children of same-sex couples, and the links between psychosocial processes and physical health. Several chapters also focus on the experiences of members of ethnic minority groups. Contributors discuss methodological challenges in conducting research with lesbian, gay, and bisexual people and suggest topics for future research. findings reported in this volume can inform the development of prevention and treatment interventions, service delivery systems, and health policies that are sensitive to the needs of lesbian, gay, and bisexual people.

Queer Theory An Introduction By Annameria Jagose 
New York University Press - 1996

The reclamation of the term queer over the last several decades marked a shift in the study of sexuality from a focus on supposedly essential categories such as gay and lesbian, to more fluid notions of sexual identity. On the cutting-edge of this significant shift was Annamarie Jagose’s classic text Queer Theory: An Introduction. In this groundbreaking work, Jagose provides a clear and concise explanation of queer theory, tracing it as part of an intriguing history of same-sex love over the last century.

Blending insights from prominent theorists such as Judith Butler and David Halperin, Jagose illustrates that queer theory's challenge is to create new ways of thinking, not only about fixed sexual identities such as straight and gay, but about other supposedly immovable notions such as sexuality and gender, and man and woman. First released almost 25 years ago, this groundbreaking work has provided a foundation for the continuing evolution of queer theory in the twenty-first century.

Psychotherapy And The Promiscuous Patient By E. Mark Stern
The Haworth Press - 1992


Learn effective strategies for therapy with promiscuous patients from this in-depth exploration of the phenomenon of promiscuity in the lives and backgrounds of patients seeking psychotherapy. This unique book features insights about the pitfalls of patients who cannot bear commitment to any one person, or who jeopardize their commitments with a need to spark their lives with promiscuity. Psychotherapy and the Promiscuous Patient teaches psychotherapists to respond to their patients’promiscuous behavior as a symptom of a problem, not the problem itself.

A realm of aspects of promiscuity are explored within the psychiatric context. Promiscuity is very broadly defined in fascinating examinations of adult promiscuity as a result of childhood sexual abuse, hypersexuality in adult males, addiction to the sensation of “falling in love,” career promiscuity, and even psychotherapy as an uncommon “promiscuity’--a nonexclusive, altruistic love. Timely chapters confront the changing distinctions between promiscuity and sex addiction and challenge readers to uncover the various emotional needs met by promiscuity in order to protect patients from their self-destructive behavior.

Knowledgeable practicing psychotherapists relate methods for dealing with patients’constant restlessness and working with a variety of patients in an intimate setting. Psychotherapy and the Promiscuous Patient contains invaluable strategies that can be directly applied to practice including:
the use of narrative construction and reconstruction as treatment for sexually promiscuous clients
a self-psychological approach to treatment
the importance of confusion as an introduction to change in therapy
a method of self-investigation applied to promiscuous behavior
the implications of the clinical meaning and therapeutic use of strong-laughter outbursts in psychology
a self-psychology perspective on transference to therapists

Psychotherapy and the Promiscuous Patient is a valuable clinical book for psychotherapists, and it offers an across the board appeal to a wide variety of psychiatrists and related social scientists who are interested in today’s shifting moral climate. It is also an ideal supplemental text for an introductory methods or applications in psychiatry course.

The Gay Men's Wellness Guide: The National Lesbian and Gay Health Association's Complete Book of Physical, Emotional, and Mental Health and Well-Being for Every Gay Male
by Robert E. Penn

Henry Holt and company - 1997

This definitive guide features sections on body image, aging, substance abuse, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV and AIDS, hepatitis B, safe sex, steroids, bisexuality, domestic violence, and much more. A percentage of the proceeds will be donated to gay men's organizations. 20 illustrations.

594 paginas

Gay And Lesbian Mental Health A Sourcebook For Practitioner
by Christopher Alexander, PhD editor
Harrington Park Press - 1996


As a sourcebook on many mental health issues, Gay and Lesbian Mental Health covers eleven principle issues that gays and lesbians may face during their lifetimes, and it suggests ways for readers to begin improving the lives of gays and lesbians in many different areas, including parenting, eating disorders, coming out, aging, gay men's self-image, dual needs of ethnic homosexuals, adolescence as a homosexual, need and use of support groups, parental guidance of homosexual children, adult partners of adult survivors of child sexual abuse, and spirituality.

Each chapter of Gay and Lesbian Mental Health is written by experts in the field who are able, through their professional and personal experience, to facilitate reader understanding of the particular topics covered. The authors draw on recent research and often use actual clinical experiences to flesh out dry statistics and to help practitioners work with the issue and, more importantly, the individual. Readers learn about many issues and developments on the cutting edge of research and practice, including:
narcissism and egocentricity in gay men
sexual minority youth suicide attempts
aging and mental health in the gay community
body dissatisfaction and eating disorders
AIDS and the global loss in the gay community
identity development
A practical guide for health care professionals working with gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals, Gay and Lesbian Mental Health offers suggestions and steps for effective intervention, support, and guidance based on sound research, clinical interviews, and clinical experience. Psychologists, family therapists, group leaders, and interns and trainees at clinics serving the gay community will find this book an invaluable tool for delivering excellent services. Professors and students of sociology, psychology, and mental health will also benefit from the book's guidelines for study.

Men Who Sell Sex: International Perspectives on Male Prostitution and AIDS 
edited by Peter Aggleton and Dennis Altman
Temple university Press - 1999

All over the world, men as well as women exchange sex for money and other forms of reward, sometimes with other men and sometimes with women. In contrast to female prostitution, however, relatively little is known about male sex work, leaving questions unanswered about the individuals involved: their identities and self-understandings, the practices concerned, and the contexts in which they take place.

This book updates the ground-breaking 1998 volume of the same name with an entirely new selection of chapters exploring health, social, political, economic and human rights issues in relation to men who sell sex. Looking at Europe, North America, Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa and the Asia-Pacific, each chapter explores questions such as:

What is known about the different ways in which men exchange sex for money or other forms of reward?
What are the major contexts in which sexual exchange takes place?
What meanings do such practices carry for the different partners involved?
What are the health and other implications of contemporary forms of male sex work?
Men Who Sell Sex seeks to push the boundaries both of current personal and social understandings and the practices to which these give rise. It is an important reference work for academics and researchers interested in sex work and men's health including those working in public health, sociology, social work, anthropology, human geography and development studies.

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